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Viktor Shauberger said that spring water is the beginning of carbohydrate formation in nature. It's essentially forming sugars that give the water sweetness. This is why natures water can be slightly oily and sweet. The oiliness supposedly has to do with this carbohydrate formation.

David Wolfe says, "that eventually in nature plants and animals will add chains to the water which are polysaccharides which becomes the primary membrane material of every cell." He also comments on Bruce Lipton's work with cell biology and how the intelligence of the cell isn't in the nucleus but in the membrane. That's where the intelligence is. So polysaccharides could be delivering intelligence to us from nature.

What are polysaccharides? It's a carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together.*

Polysaccharides are one of 8 essential sugars we need to help with immune system, joints, tissue repair and neurological health. It has a long chain sugar structure where as most of the other simple sugars which are also essential are short chained.

I found a great wiki answer** about polysaccharides which stated that:

"Polysaccharides are used in living things for structure and storage. In plants, cellulose give structure to the cell walls, as does chitin in fungi and peptidoglycan in bacteria. All these carbohydrates are polysaccharides. In animals, glycogen (branched glucose chains) is used as storage of energy and in plants starch performs the same job.
Polysaccharides are important to living things because a polysaccharide is just another way to store and hold glucose, which is the only thing that can provide energy to living organisms. It is just another very important alternative to store energy in living things."

Some foods that are known to have polysaccharides are Noni, Aloe Vera and Chaga Mushroom.



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Hits: 13167
How Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

This is a simple explanation to the question; how does Reverse Osmosis work?

There are 5 parts to most under the sink reverse osmosis systems.

    1. Micron Filter Section (typically 5 micron) for larger sediment.
    2. First Carbon Filter Section for organics such as; chlorine, chloramine or other.
    3. Second Carbon Filter Section
    4. RO Membrane Section which has a tightly wound membrane (usually .0001 micron) and water is pressed through it and the "good" water goes to a side tank and "bad" water goes to a drain.
    5. When the spout is pressed on top of the sink, water is pulled from the "good" water tank through a 5th section which is the Polishing Filter Section which polishes off the water.

Pros and Cons to Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Systems:


    • RO thoroughly filters out physical contaminants
    • RO is usually pretty cost effective


    • RO typically takes 2 hours to fill a 1.5 gallon tank
    • When it fills a tank RO wastes 13.5 gallons of water (Or More)
    • The waste is far greater
    • You have to replace parts over time
    • RO systems do not produce structured water

While RO systems do a thorough job of filtering water they also waste a lot of water.

Exactly how much water does reverse osmosis waste?

Well the 13.5 gallons of water per tank is actually the only amount if the tank is empty. But the less empty the tank is the more water it wastes due to the way RO works to fill the tank. So if you are only taking a little bit of water at a time from the spout then it is wasting a whole lot more. In some instances it could waste as much as 1.5 gallons for 1 glass of water!

So if you have an RO system it is best to draw as much water as possible at a time to conserve water. This video link about How Much Water Does An RO (Reverse Osmosis) System Waste explains this in detail:

With our growing global drinking water shortage problem, that is something to really consider.

Hopefully this post helped address the question; how does reverse osmosis work? But if you would like to know about other water filter problems to consider check out this Water Filter Problems article.

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Hits: 23867

I'm pleased to see more and more scientists and authors coming out of the woodwork to support the molecular structure of water concept and the benefits of drinking structured water.

"In his groundbreaking book Water of Life; A Cure for your body, Professor Hyun W Kim states that one of the characteristics of good water is water with plenty of hexagonal shaped clusters, structures that are small, close and compact.

The molecular structure of water is very important to ensure optimum hydration of the body. In most tap waters or for that matter bottled waters the water molecules tend to agglomerate in clusters of between 10 and 20. The larger the cluster size the lower the electron activity. Consequently it is desirable to drink water with smaller cluster sizes to enhance the body's energy systems. Secondly large clusters of molecules cannot readily permeate the body's cell membranes and so cannot hydrate the cells. Good water for the body should have no more than 5 to 6 molecules in a cluster. This type of water will give good cell hydration and provide more oxygen.

Professor Kim states ‘ …..drinking compactly-structured water (the kind with an abundance of hexagonal water) can be called a shortcut to prevent adult-onset diseases such as cancers or diabetes.'

Drinking water from a Structured Water Unit is good for the body as it provides the body with suitable structured water predominantly with 6 molecules per cluster. This aids proper hydration of the body and better oxygenation."


Please feel free to leave any comments about your experience of structured water or you thoughts on the molecular structure of water. It's a wonderful thing when water beings can join together in a dialogue about water.

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Hits: 49721
Hexagonal Water for Aging

Since all life on Earth relies on hydration as its basis for sustenance, Dr. Jhon proposed the hypothesis in 1986 that the decline of hexagonal water in the body could be responsible for a decline in health. He called this the “Molecular Water Environment Theory." Another scientist, Dr. Seiji Katayama, found evidence to support this theory using MRI to study four generations of the same family. He was able to see that cell water quality and quantity was very closely related to the aging process.

Dr. Jhon is quoted as saying, “Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality.” Babies are developed living in water, and when they are born they are over 90% water. A one-year-old child is 70% water, and people who are in the old age category can be less than 50% water. This is a significant change in the body with obvious negative side effects.

Also, with age comes a more gradual progression of water movement and replacement in the body’s cells. Cell water levels can go down to as much as 40% and as a result, cell function greatly declines. This could be why older people have problems staying adequately hydrated.

Photos of live blood analysis have been published documenting that just minutes after drinking hexagonal water, blood cell structure improves by as much as 80%. This improves absorption of protein, water, nutrients and helps immune function. Perhaps the aging process could be improved by something as simple as drinking better quality structured water

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 54712
Hexagonal Water Origins

Hexagonal water or structured water can be found in deep earth springs, glacial waters, and a very special location in Japan called Magnetic Mountain: “…the entire mountain has been permanently magnetized. The mountain itself is the result of an underwater volcanic eruption which occurred millions of years ago at about the same time that a meteorite shower deposited magnetite within the mountain.”

This water is extremely magnetic and has been studied by many scientists with positive results towards human health. Another source of hexagonal water is simply water that is allowed to move. Still water breeds disease, but living water cleans itself using vortex-like movements.

Minerals also support living water. There can be many different degrees of quality when using a Structured Water Unit depending on the design. This water lasts the longest in a cool environment away from EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) and direct sunlight. People have used hexagonal water concentrates, vortex machines, in-line devices, ionizers and filters prior to structuring to improve their water quality. However the water is structured, it is clear from many studies presented on this website and elsewhere that all life forms can benefit from hexagonal water consumption.

Reference: "Hexagonal Water—The Ultimate Solution" by M.J. Pangman, M.S.

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Hits: 12029