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This World’s Water

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon refers to water as one of the science community’s puzzles because it has not yet been fully understood by us. However, being a pioneer in this effort, Dr. Jhon has done over 40 years of research and publishing almost 300 scientific papers on the subject of water.

Dr. Jhon points out in his book on hexagonal water, or structured water, that the Earth and its surrounding field hold between 1.3 to 1.4 billion km³. That is 146 ten thousand trillion tons of water! Only 0.65 percent of this is available for us to use.

The amount of water we have stays the same, continually being recycled through the process of evaporation and rain or snow. Water is also cycled through the living organisms on Earth, from humans to animals to plants to microscopic organisms!

Water keeps us alive and healthy. When a life form becomes dehydrated, its health can weaken and with continued dehydration may eventually die. The balance water delivers to our bodies is amazing: it gives nutrients and oxygen while removing toxins. Without water, we wouldn’t last long!

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 12123
Water in Our Cells

About 90% of our blood is water and 75% of our muscle tissue is water. On the cellular level, 60% of water is inside the cell and 40% is surrounding the cell.

Even without microscopes, ancient philosophers recognized that water is essential to life. Moving water has more oxygen, energy and cleansing powers. It also has more structure to it, making it more absorbable by life forms on the cellular level.

Dr. Jhon calls this advanced structured water “hexagonal” water because of the 6-sided shape of structured water. Without being in smaller clusters when taking on the hexagonal shape, water clusters are bigger and much harder for an organism to absorb it easily.

In addition, structured water is capable of cleaning itself of not only toxins but of the negative energy left by the memory of those toxins. So it looks like drinking hexagonal water makes for one happy cell! That means better health, energy and vitality for every living being this life-giving water comes in contact with.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 9633
We Are Mostly Water

All of our functions depend on water to work properly. Digestion, vision, muscular movement, nervous system signals and blood function are just a few examples. The chemical makeup of human blood is very similar to that of the ocean. Dr. Jhon provides this statement to remind us of the theory that all life originated in the ocean.

Climates that are close to water are cooler in temperature because the water absorbs the sun’s heat. There is a parallel between humans and the earth as far as water composition goes: both are about 70% water. This seems to be nature’s message to us on just how important water is for our survival.

Dr. Jhon continues: “Truly, we know very little about the essence of our being. I consider my knowledge to be merely the tip of the iceberg but one thing I do know… Water is the source of our lives and it is directly connected with our health. Paying attention to the kind of water we drink can have a greater influence on our health than any other one thing!” It could benefit the planet greatly if not just water but hexagonal water was readily available to us all.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 9885
Water Properties: 5 Reasons Water Properties Are Different From Other Liquids

This post will explore water properties. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Dr. Jhon points out that if water would conform to the other liquids in its class that it would freeze at -90 degrees Celsius and boil at -60 degrees Celsius. According to this model, water could evaporate at room temperature and not much water would exist on our planet if that were the case.

Here Are 5 Reasons Water Properties Are Different From Other Liquids:

    1. Water's density is different. It expands as it freezes instead of contracting. That is why ice floats and fish are protected from being frozen in their habitat.
    2. Water has a “large heat capacity.” That is the reason we can be in a hot environment and still survive (as long as we are hydrated). Water is able to pull in heat without its own temperature fluctuating too much. In the desert, we experience extreme cold at night and extreme heat during the day. This is because there is very little water to balance the environment.
    3. Water’s viscosity or thickness is different than other liquids. Under pressure, water’s thickness lowers (at temperatures under 30 degrees Celsius) when other liquids would raise their thickness under pressure.
    4. Water has high surface tension, meaning that molecules of water are more highly attracted to each other than to foreign molecules. The only other substance with higher surface tension than water is mercury.
    5. Water has the ability to retain memory. It holds the energy of other things in its vicinity. Dr. Jhon notes that this fact alone could be studied for further knowledge in the healing profession. Dr. Jhon says that it is because of water’s “unique” structural ability that all these factors are made possible.

Thanks for checking out our post on water properties

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 17677

This post will explore some Hexagonal Water or Structured Water Factors, in particular water factors pertaining to water temperatures.

Specific heat is water’s ability to hold energy. Water’s structure changes as temperature goes up or down. The weight of the molecules in water also changes as the structure changes. This is how it can have more specific heat than before.

When water is in a super-cooled state, around -40 degrees Celsius, the specific heat grows rapidly. Super-cooled water is water that is below freezing, like drops of water in a cloud, but has not turned into ice or snow. It does freeze when it comes in contact with any surface.

Dr. Jhon states: “… the specific heat of Hexagonal Water is higher than that of pentagonal water. What this means is that Hexagonal Water has a greater capacity to perform work—to expel wastes, to absorb temperature changes and to protect against various other energetic influences.”

The high energy that structured water can contain can also be used right away by an organism when it is consumed. Water’s density also changes based on temperature. For this reason, ice is buoyant. It is less dense than liquid water so it rises to the surface. One example of this type of water factor in nature is the formation of icebergs in the ocean.

When pressure is applied to water, the chemical bonds break down and viscosity is decreased, allowing the water to flow more easily. All of these seemingly small water factors have a big impact on water.

Reference: “The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key” by Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

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Hits: 7344