As a graduate student who studies both the brain and water I have become interested in the importance of this topic. In school I study psychotherapy which involves the brain, body, heart, mind and soul (depending on which school you study at). Outside of school I help promote structured water through my website. What I recently learned is that 80-85% of our brain is water. Which is not surprising considering how much of the world and our bodies is water. But what this means to me is that I need to DRINK LOTS OF WATER and to me STRUCTURED WATER IS THE BEST WATER FOR THE BRAIN. There are two main reasons I am saying this:
- When I was in Undergrad I would drink lots of caffeine to stay up and study and write papers for school. But guess what? I would always crash and need more caffeine and then the next day I would feel really drained. But when I started to change my diet about 8 years ago I began to eat mostly raw foods and drink lots of quality water. I would also get more structured water from the raw fruits and vegetables I was eating because they naturally have structured water in them. Now that I am in Graduate School I probably study even more but now I apply my new way of eating and drinking to how I study. What does this mean? It means that when I study I drink lots of structured water from my Structured Water Unit throughout the night. And guess what? I have lots of energy and concentration while I study when I drink lots of water for my brain. And the next day I still have plenty of energy.
- The other reason drinking lots of structured water for the proper brain and water equation is important is that structured water is easy for our cells to absorb. Because the molecules of the water have become structured and dynamically harmonized through the vortexing technology of a Structured Water Unit the water becomes easier to assimilate. Many people have noticed that when they drink structured water that it doesn't slosh around in their stomach like other water does. This is because structured water is easier to absorb and so has a better chance of delivering hydration to your brain.
So the next time you need to stay up all night and study, the best thing you can do to stay up and study is drink lots of structured water. Our brains are mostly made of water, not coffee. And even if you think tea is better than coffee you have to remember that caffeine in general can dehydrate us and it's been cited on the internet that with dehydration, the level of energy generated in the brain is decreased. So if you do drink caffeine in any form it is smart to drink more water. I hope this brain and water post was useful for you and if you have more questions about structured water please visit http://structuredwaterunit.com.
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