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This post will explore natural magnets and structured water. In their water research MJ Pangman and Malanie Evans found that some people use magnets to structure their water. As with other energies on Earth, there is a negative and positive side to a magnet.

The North and South Poles are magnetically charged. The North Pole is the feminine negative end and the South Pole is the male positive end. They create the slight pushing and pulling energy fields needed for currents and vortexes to exist.

Palladium, platinum, and volcanic rock is paramagnetic, meaning its magnetic field can influence biological organisms and water without actually attracting them to itself. Volcanic rock powder has been successfully used in growing plants. Paramagnetic rock will not only structure and vortex water when nearby, but it will also ionize many minerals in the water. If a paramagnetic source is put into a magnetic field the atoms will line up towards the location of the magnetic field and it becomes stronger.

Pangman and Evans also found that ancient pyramids and towers were built using paramagnetic rock, and speculate that they could be a sort of signal source for connecting us magnetically throughout the Universe. Finding show that magnetism has been used for many health benefits in addition to structuring water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 24050

The magnetics of the North & South Poles are very fascinating. Marine life living near the South Pole flourishes according to Pangman & Evans:

"Today, invertebrates including sponges, sea spiders, starfish, and amphipods grow many times their usual size in Antarctic water. This feature, known as gigantism is a subject of intense scientific investigation. Antarctic invertebrates should not, in theory, grow well in Antarctic waters. Yet starfish can reach much larger sizes than similar starfish found in other waters. Sea spiders in the Antarctic reach more than 1.000 times the weight of most temperate water species. Amphipod crustaceans in the Antarctic Ocean are more than five times as long as the largest temperate species."

One speculation is that the magnetism in the South Pole helps these species flourish far beyond what they normally would in other oceans around the globe. The North and South Poles are almost twice as strong as the equator. Because the water is so cold and gets ionizing radiation from the Sun, vortexes are strong in these areas and therefore more nutrients are mixed up from the bottom of the ocean for consumption by marine life.

Earth’s magnetic field also acts as “the tuning fork for life” because it keeps us connected to the Earth. When we are "ungrounded", we can see more anxiety, sleep troubles, and disorientation. Astronauts have seen these symptoms after space missions. Pangman and Evans point out that water carries with it the energy to keep us grounded. It is useful to drink pure structured water to continue to do so.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 9847

This post explores the fascinating topic of light and oxygen in water - especially in structured water. Oxygen is essential to life on Earth. As oxygen travels throughout other atomic equations, it leaves behind free radicals called “oxygen radicals”. Oxygen radicals would be harmful if not balanced with polar opposite hydrogen. When stress in our environment causes us to have trouble absorbing hydrogen, oxygen radicals can take over.

Oxygen radicals are also beneficial in some ways according to Pangman & Evans:

"They play a unique role as signaling molecules. They participate in cellular communication and they regulate growth and gene expression. Oscillation between the production and the neutralization of oxygen radicals is a fundamental mechanism linked with immune function and with many regulatory processes. Oxygen radicals also generate a source of energy in biological organisms—light."

The light source these radicals create may even be part of our aura or energy field. After a water molecule breaks apart, oxygen radicals are formed. In structured water, oxygen radicals cause electrons left behind to be more energetic in their function, letting the water perform at its highest potential, full of light.

The light that can be seen in a picture of a structured water drop comes from this process. So if you want more light and oxygen in your water, consider structuring your water.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 18460

This post explores the topic of hydrogen in water. Hydrogen is the first element listed on the Table of Elements. It makes up 90% of the Universe and 10% of our bodies. A hydrogen atom does not weigh very much, so it would take a lot of hydrogen to fill up 10% of us!

There is less hydrogen in the air than oxygen. Hydrogen levels are only measuring at 1% today. It is thought that during Earth’s younger days that hydrogen levels could have been as high as 30%. Hydrogen supplies protons in addition to electrons. This supplies living organisms with the energy they need. When hydrogen moves into our cells we also get hydroelectricity.

Since hydrogen is depleted from the air, we get most of our supply through drinking water. Pangman & Evans further explain the process: “Hydrogen ions are made available as water dissociates. This happens naturally as water moves, and/or when water is subjected to gentle ionizing influences (the Sun and Earth’s magnetic and piezoelectric fields). Under these circumstances, tiny amounts of water dissociate releasing both oxygen radicals and hydrogen ions.”

Water is made up of such simple molecules, yet has the power inside it to propel life on the planet, carrying with it minerals, magnetic properties and productive energy.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 8215

Antioxidants negate oxidants (free radicals). Antioxidants are able to give electrons to the oxidants to change their chemical structure. Enzymes are great antioxidants, which we make naturally when our bodies are efficiently functioning. Enzymes protect vulnerable parts of the cell from harmful oxidants. Enzymes last a long time in order to do their job thousands of times.

It is important to remember that without oxidants and reductants (electron donors), antioxidants cannot do their job. This could be why many treatments using antioxidants fail. Hydrogen supplies a lot of reductants that will work with antioxidants. Hydrogen will convert oxygen radicals to water as shown in this outline excerpt from the reference: 

    1. Oxygen that is taken through the lungs produces an oxygen radical.
    2. The oxygen radical is reduced by atomic hydrogen and the positive hydrogen ion. This produces another reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide).
    3. Hydrogen peroxide is further reduced by electrons supplied from the negative hydrogen ion, producing a hydroxyl radical and a hydroxide anion. 
    4. The hydroxyl radical is reduced by hydrogen, producing water.
    5. The hydroxide anion is reduced by hydrogen, also producing water.

The hydrogen ion, which is positive, can’t give electrons but it does negate them via electrical charge. It is also a proton which will cause the ion and oxidant to become stabilized. These complex chemical reactions all work together for proper water absorption in the body.

Reference: “Dancing With Water: The New Science of Water” by MJ Pangman, MS & Melanie Evans

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Hits: 21593