It all seemed to have begun when the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? exposed the world to the wondrous workings of Masuro Emoto and his discovery within the field of water. Who would have ever believed that water holds memory, a kind of cellular intelligence. That's what Emoto discovered when he looked through his microscope and found that water that had been told different messages or gone through certain processing plants had taken on different forms. Good messages held miraculous looking snowflake structures while bad messages or water from certain city tap systems were distorted, ugly and basically structureless. That's where the new creation of Structured Water Units comes into play which are water filters that actually restructure water back to health. It has been discovered that you can restructure water just like how water running down a river or through a spring structures water. The Structured Water Unit not only reprograms your waters intelligence it also pulls the toxins like chlorine and fluoride into the water molecule so that you don't absorb these things. If you go to www.structuredwaterunit.com you can watch a really good video with the creator of the Structured Water Unit. You will learn all about the wonderful world of structured water.
To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.