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Can't find a job due to the recession? Drink lots of water.

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I can not emphasize it enough, when times are tough, you have to drink plenty of water. Why? Because when the body is stressed out it produces more adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands which the body makes in order to put us into a fight or flight mode for survival. The problem is that it takes more work for our kidneys to filter adrenaline. How can you help your kidneys do their job? Drink more water.

To be safe you should at least apply the "8 by 8" rule. This means eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Does it matter what type of water you drink? Yes. Most tap water is filled with chlorine and fluoride and holds a very distorted memory. Remember that our body is about 60% - 80% structured water. Structured water is intelligent water that holds a good clean memory. Structured water is not missing any electrons around its outer orbit like unstructured water. Structured water also has less surface tension so it's much easier to hydrate the cells in our body. I obviously recommend structured water. If you can't get structured water, then distilled, filtered reverse osmosis or spring water will suffice. Actually spring water straight from the source is probably the best water you could drink because it's structured and fresh. But not everyone has access to fresh spring water.

It is also important to get lots of rest and take good care of yourself. People tend to want to escape when times are tough. Now a good book or a movie is one thing, but going out and getting drunk every night is another. Not only are you dehydrating your body but you are making it even harder for you kidneys and liver to do their job. Not to mention all the money you are spending on alcohol. Sure it seems like a good idea at the time and you might laugh at my advice but take another look at this article the next morning. Then give me your comments. You will see then that I'm just looking out for you.

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Guest Monday, 17 February 2025