Structured Water Units

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Structured Water Stories: Liala Epstein's Crystal Clear Pool Water Using a Structured Water Unit

This testimonial is about Liala Epstein's crystal clear pool water using a Structured Water Unit:

My swimming pool was opened for the season on April 12, 2010 and the commercial water structuring unit was integrated into the swimming pool plumbing lines that day. Readings on opening day showed no evidence of chemical agents in the water or evidence of silver or copper ions that were used to maintain the pool during the previous pool season. The pool was operational within 48 hours of opening.

Readings on April 20, 2010 showed pH and Total Alkalinity in the ideal ranges. The pool remained opened until October 16, 2010. Weekly readings consistently showed pH and total alkalinity readings in the ideal ranges.

Tagged in: structured water water
Hits: 14548
Jennifer McLean, Host Healing With The Masters

“ I have grown so fond and appreciative of these little yet remarkable and powerful devices. I can feel myself able to hold more light and manage the life adventures that show up with so much more grace and ease. Just drinking water allows my consciousness and evolution to grow while assisting in balancing my health. One of the coolest conscious raising products I own.”

Tagged in: structured water water
Hits: 9193
Rikka Zimmerman, Adventures In Oneness

“ I Love, Love, Love my water… In fact, I don’t Leave home without it! I have used all kinds of “conscious water” products and didn’t feel any different. With this unit I noticed the effects within the first day. I felt like a deep exhaustion (that I didn’t know was there) had left my body. That was just the beginning of the remarkable

Tagged in: structured water water
Hits: 95849

Posted in Testimonials
Stan C.
"After experiencing the water for a couple of months I have improved stamina, better focus."


- Stan C., Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Tagged in: structured water water
Hits: 12595
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