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"Since I began with Structured Water about two weeks ago, I have sponged off two of my beloved cats, each in her distinct area of chronic irritation (despite vast and creative other approaches - vet, holistic and energetic), one having been treated for over four years.
Both cats showed immediate improvement - in one, general itchiness subsided (after months of this hassle); and in the other, a runny eye lessened (and she was looking at me again for the first time in about two years, instead of turning her head away).
I am continuing to sponge off these two kitties, as well as provide Utopic Water for all drinking purposes. Both cats' conditions are significantly better in just a short time!
Further, all my five cats are getting along better together, noticeably so! They weren't too raucous, before, but it is very loving and peaceful here now! And also they seem more cognitive generally, and more communicative with me."
Thank you!