Structured Water Units

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The Natural Action Structured Water Unit by Natural Action Technologies truly is amazing technology that uses an advanced understanding of vortex science, utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water and geometric structures that allow the water to work upon itself on the molecular level to create naturally balanced water. Water is the machine. No moving parts or chemicals.Totally pure. Just like water running down a beautiful river. Welcome to the world of Structured Water. With our water system you'll never have to replace a part again. Save tons of money in the long run purifying your tap and shower water with this amazing discovery. This discovery is the Natural Action Structured Water Unit by Natural Action Technologies inventor Clayton Nolte and it will transform your ordinary tap water into extremely hydrating structured water. It will allow you to purify the water in your home the same way mother nature does. It kills anaerobic bacteria (bad bacteria). It strengthens aerobic bacteria (good bacteria). It balances your water. It softens your water. Your garden and plants will require less water. It doesn't filter out the good stuff in water like most water filters on the market do. And one of the best parts about this Structured Water Unit is that you never have to replace anything on it. It's a one time installation unit. Now that's amazing technology!

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Structured Water

  • Is balanced.
  • Helps improve health.
  • Cleans the memory of water.
  • Helps eliminate toxins in your body.
  • Increases bio-photonic energy in water.
  • Helps to eliminate anaerobic bacteria (bad bacteria).
  • Strengthens aerobic bacteria (good bacteria).
  • Is softer water.
  • Hydrates your plants and gardens with less water.
  • Refreshes showers and baths.
  • Helps prevent bath tub scum.
  • Helps improve skin & hair.
  • Helps prevent dry itchy skin.
  • Holds anti-aging properties.
  • Helps joint & muscle pain.
  • Grows greener lawns with less fertilizer.
  • Requires less Chlorine in swimming pools.
  • Reduces odors around & in bathrooms & toilets.
  • Removes existing calcium and aragonite deposits.
  • Prevents & removes corrosion & increases the life span of pipes, water heaters dishwashers, swamp-coolers, water heating systems, ice makers, etc.
  • Improves ability of plants to withstand lower freezing temperatures.
  • Provides cleaner healthier fish tanks, less algae growth in ponds & lakes.
  • Helps improve the health of livestock & pets.
  • Improves crops & garden growth (bio-mass up to 40%).
  • Will truly hydrate you!

To experience the joys of structured water visit our Products Page or give us a call today!

The Science of Structured Water

Water Molecule

The Cycle of Water

The Water Cycle

Structured water might be thought of as purified mountain water. It is helpful to understand the water cycle. Fresh water begins in the ocean. As water evaporates, the water rises into the atmosphere. If it were not for dust particles in the air the water molecules would not fall back as rain. A molecule of water attaches itself to a dust particle, which in turn gathers more and more molecules until it gets heavy enough to fall to earth in the form of rain. Today, because of industrial pollutants, sulfuric acid and other contaminants, rain returns to earth as acid rain. This contaminated water enters our forests, rivers and lakes. Other chemicals are introduced, such as chlorine. A Structured Water unit restructures the water just as a mountain stream restructures the water in a river as it flows through gravel, rocks and underground. The water that falls to earth as acid rain is cleansed naturally in the process. Salts, heavy minerals and other contaminants are deposited in the good earth. Our forests and lakes are contaminated in the process. This is the very reason beer makers and natural bottled water markets claim to use mountain spring water in selling their products. 

Scientist Overview On Structured Water

Until recently the science of structured water has mostly been overlooked by western science, but a number of prominent scientists are now stating that water has properties still to be widely realized and understood. Want to know what these scientists have to say? Download this free Scientist Overview On Structured Water! 

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All living organisms contain Structured Water

Boy on Dog

Water inside our body's cells is structured water. The water preferred by human cells is structured into small clusters containing five to twenty molecules.What is good healthy water? It must be fit to drink, and be free of pathogens and pollutants. Municipal water in most cities is treated to make it safe to drink. The treatment, normally chlorine, kills most disease causing bacteria. That's a good thing; however, many people consider the levels of chlorine in the water to be a pollutant and it tastes bad. There is big business in chlorine removing filters. It seems we have taken the lesser of two evils in disinfecting of our water. The treatment eliminates the threat of bacterial contamination but does this make healthier water?

Structured Water

What is structured water? Water molecules are attracted or loosely attached to each other through hydrogen bonding. In normal water this attraction makes water ”cluster” together in large assemblies of water. These clusters have size and shape; both their size and shape can affect biological organisms.

The water molecule, made up of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms, is what most of us think of as water. The true picture is a little more complex. These molecules appear to be very gregarious. They like to get together and are seldom found alone. They will cluster in groups of from five molecules to over 600 molecules. These groups are not static. Water molecules will switch from one group to another very easily and do so often. Hydrogen bonds are being made and broken several times a nanosecond. This creates the unimaginably dynamic energy environment of water. It is the size and shape of these clusters of molecules in their never ceasing interaction that is the “structure” of water.

If water can retain the memory of the pollutants and that memory can survive standard filtration and chlorine treatment, what information are we giving our body's cells?

In 1991 Physicist Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig documented that water has memory and can store frequencies and transfer coherent information to living organisms (Environmental Medicine, Edited by Trevin & Taalkenhammer, 1991). This finding has since been documented many times. 

Rustum Roy (International Academy of Sciences, Professor at Pennsylvania State University) reported that "modern instruments have made it possible to record the fact that within each of water’s memory cells there are 440,000 information panels, each of which is responsible for its own type of interaction with the environment." In the polluted environment, rainwater falling through the air is mixed with harmful gases and environmental pollutants. Most water purification methods fail to erase the memory or imprint of these toxins in water and restore water's dynamic crystalline resonances.

Dr. Gerald Pollack, University of Washington professor of bioengineering, has developed a theory of water that has been called revolutionary. Dr. Pollack discovered a new phase of water he calls the fourth phase of water. Bulk Water is H2O but this new phase of water, the exclusion zone structured water, is H3O2. It’s a newly discovered phase of water. If you count the number of hydrogen’s and oxygen’s, you find out it’s not H2O. The reason this fourth phase of water is called the exclusion zone or EZ is because the first thing Dr. Pollack’s team discovered is that it profoundly excludes things. Even small molecules are excluded from structured water. Surprisingly, structured water appears in great abundance, including inside most of your cells. Even your extracellular tissues are filled with this kind of water.

Researchers are also finding that cells absorb structured water better than unstructured water. A person drinking unstructured water can still be dehydrated because the water molecules that have not been structured are much too big for cell absorption. Peter C. Agre, a 2003 Nobel Prize winning biologist, discovered that hydration is linked to the aquaporin channel in a cell, which can only receive one water molecule at a time. The Natural Action Structured Water Unit has the ability to break water clusters down to one molecule, allowing for better hydration for humans, animals and plants. Structuring creates molecule clusters of 5 – 20 instead of the 100s of thousands found in unstructured water. The smaller number make it easy for the water to align itself into the single file needed to enter the cell – that’s why hydration is increased using structured water.

There are regions of the earth where water is thought responsible for the longevity of people in those regions. The Hunza Valley in northern Pakistan is famous for longevity. Also, the waters of Lourdes in France and other venerated sources. The waters of Tiacotle Mexico have been praised for their health giving properties. What is it about those waters that make a difference? Well, they all have the same thing in common. They have essential bio-available minerals in solution. These similarities do not account for their fame. We can make similar water in the laboratory and it does not have any more benefits than normal water. The reason these waters are so prized is all of them have a different structure than most waters. Researchers had to wait until Nuclear Magnetic Resonance became available to show that these waters have distinct structural differences from other waters.

Natural Action Structured Water Unit

The Natural Action Structured Water Unit by Natural Action Technologies also known as Natural Action Water is a new technology for water treatment that utilizes nature's own methods, producing cleaner, softer, smoother water without the use of chemicals, filters, salts, electricity or complex metal alloys for a truly maintenance-free water purifying system.

This new technology employs an innovative application and advanced understanding of the vortex phenomenon utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water itself to create a “fluidmachine” that works at the molecular level. This “fluid machine” alters the molecular structure of water, activating and retaining the healthful benefits of minerals and characteristics, while excess suspended solids, contaminants and sediment are dynamically isolated.

Specially tuned geometry creates an energy environment for water to structure itself. The Natural Action Structured Water Unit softens water while leaving in all the healthful minerals standard water filters, softeners and reverse osmosis systems remove. This geometric technology breaks up large low-energy water molecule clusters into smaller high-energy clusters. This gives water a lower surface tension and better hydrating properties, important for both to open up clay soil conditions in landscape and isolate negative dissolved solids from harming the cells for a balanced healthful body. This systematic treatment eliminates negative energy patterns and redefines the water's natural healthy energy pattern (sometimes called the memory of water). Structured water allows us to imprint through the DNA and RNA the knowledge of its precious blue print and help one to become balanced.

Water Fall

In a Natural Action Structured Water Unit the water is jostled like water in a natural flowing river. This will natural flow will re-balance water. Think what this can mean to your family's health and well-being. You can drink balanced water directly from your tap. And one of the best parts of the Structured Water Unit is that there are no replaceable parts, so you don't have to buy replaceable cartridges like you do with most water filter systems. Think of the savings: Not having to buy cartridges, bottled water or pay to fill your own container. No more plastic bottles to buy and dispose of in the land fill. Plastic bottles have become a problem to the environment. You must try this structured water to feel it. Water, the way nature intended.

Water Is The:

Ultimate Food

Greatest Medicine

Most Economical Fuel & Energy Source

Hiker Drinking Water

Good health is determined by the cells' ability to receive water. When the cells walls are no longer flexible – aging begins. A child is 86% water but this is reduced to 65% as we age. Our brain is 96% water.

Extra cellular fluid depends on more available Oxygen.

Inner cellular consumption depends on more available Hydrogen, which is why maintaining a good pH balance in the water is so important.

Dehydration is the principle causative factor in aging and most diseases.This is why it is important to drink eight glasses of water a day and to abstain from drinking anything other than pure water. The measurement of this is Surface Tension that is measured in Dynes per cubic centimeter.

Distilled water is around 72-78 Dynes/cubic centimeters, whereas water necessary to penetrate the cell wall needs to be less than 46 Dynes. The reason alcohol is so easily absorbed by the body is because it is 28 Dynes. The Natural Action Structured Water Unit produces micro-clustered water which is around 43 Dynes.

There are many reasons to structure water. Water structuring technology that utilizes nature's own methods the way Natural Action Water does produces cleaner, softer, more vital water without using chemicals, salts or complex metal alloys for a truly maintenance-free water treatment system. This system softens water while leaving in all the healthful minerals the body needs and which standard water softeners and reverse osmosis systems remove.

This system's process uses the dynamic characteristic of water itself to create a “FluidMachine” that works at the molecular level. The Structured Water Unit alters the molecular structure of the water and the minerals in the water. The healthful benefits of the minerals are made available to life while excess minerals, suspended solids and sediment are dynamically isolated.

Going beyond existing systems this Structured Water Unit employs an innovative application of an advanced understanding of the “Vortex” phenomenon. This water restoration process separates contaminants, while simultaneously restructuring, re-energizing, and reactivating the water itself.

The special waters associated with longevity and health are rich in bio-available minerals. Over fifty studies in nine different countries have shown an inverse relationship between the the amount of magnesium in the drinking water consumed and heart attack rates. In these areas, where magnesium is high in the drinking water, there are fewer heart attacks and where magnesium is deficient there are more heart attacks. Distillation, R/O and water softeners, the most popular forms of home water treatment, get rid of most or all essential minerals. Many bottled water manufacturers will replace these by spiking the water with minerals, but are those the essential minerals that are in the array supplied naturally by flowing water? Nature knows what is best for life and what is not. There is no magic bullet that can equal what nature supplies which is more in balance with life itself.

Another attribute special waters have in their structure is called 'hungry water', the ability to attract and encapsulate within the water molecule elements bad for human life. When this water is consumed it attracts more of these elements as it passes through to the elimination system. Elements good for human life ride on the exterior of the water molecule and are released into the body's function.

The benefits of structuring in nature's way is to remove excess minerals and suspended gases from the water, restructure and revitalize the water, hydrate the cells better, lower the surface tension for better cleaning and mixing, balances water, and remove the built up scale in plumbing and fixtures. This gives water a lower surface tension and therefore better cell hydrating properties like we talked about earlier.

Balanced Water

Water is one of the most essential components of the human body. Water regulates the body’s temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, and aids the digestive system.  Water not only composes 75% of all muscle tissue and about 10% of fatty tissue, it also acts within each cell to transport nutrients and dispel waste.

Drinking Structured Water is cheap insurance. One of the easiest ways to help the body function optimally and remain disease-free is to keep it well hydrated. By drinking Structured Water throughout each day, it assists our bodies’ ability to flush toxins and metabolic waste.

Research has shown chronic dehydration to be the root cause of many diseases associated with aging (e.g. arthritis, GI disorders, senile dementia). To compensate the situation, our thirst signals decline as we become accustomed to being dehydrated as we age.

75% of North Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even mild dehydration slows metabolism, causes fatigue, reduces short-term memory, and increases existing health challenges. Drinking the right water can be even more important than drinking more.

Not all water is created equal. Structured Water holds in the excess stable oxygen. It will help the body assimilate this water to a greater degree than ordinary water. Our bodies contain structured water when we are born. However, as the human body grows older, it is subjected to stress, contamination, pollutants, free radicals, poor diet and other external factors. The body begins to dehydrate and the structured cell water which we are born with, begins to diminish, losing its effective shape. The result is that our ability to absorb water begins to decrease as we age. Replenishing our body with structured water restores proper hydration!

Fuel of Life

Shape of Water

Structured water is loaded with negative hydrogen ions. "Hydrogen is the fuel of life." All the food we eat does one thing for us; it releases hydrogen which is burned by oxygen in the final chemical reaction releasing the energy that makes ATP, the fuel that actually runs our bodies. Carbohydrates are one-third carbon, one-third hydrogen and one-third oxygen. We have enzymes in the body called dehydrogenates and their purpose is to loosen hydrogen on the food we eat so that the hydrogen (hydrogen is the fuel) can be burned by oxygen, releasing energy, and the carbon and oxygen left on the carbohydrate turns into carbon dioxide gas which we breathe out and the plants breathe in. That is called the Krebs cycle.

Hydrogen is the energy source that runs our bodies; it is the energy source that fuels the universe; it is also the energy source that runs the sun. Hydrogen makes up 90 percent of the mass of the universe. Secondly, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a Hungarian physiologist, said that hydrogen is the carrier of electrons in the living system, and he added, no electrons are carried anywhere in the living system unless they are attached to hydrogen. Hydrogen is the carrier of all electrons in all chemical reactions. Cells, proteins and tissues in our body store hydrogen in huge quantities in such a way that you don't need enzymes to use that hydrogen. Szent-Gyorgyi also believed that it had something to do with cellular division itself and that it is the secret of cellular division. Structured water is an amazing source of hydrogen!

Health Benefits

There are many benefits of drinking and using the structured water produced by the Natural Action Structured Water Unit.

The body seeks balance and water also seeks to be in balance so the body will replicate itself to water which is naturally balanced. Water is also attracted to balance. As water has memory it will remember all thoughts and energies in its immediate surroundings, both negative and positive, in its effort to achieve balance. Nature accelerates this process in the environment by creating the geometric configurations necessary to achieve and maintain balance, through the vortex activity created as it moves over stones, waterfalls and ravines. This is why water purifies itself as it moves downstream or is fed by high elevation glacial runoff. It also explains why water moving through as little as 300 feet of pipe or which is held in a bottle for a long period of time becomes 'dead' water. The Structured Water Unit revitalizes water using natures design.

Some of the health benefits of using a Natural Action Structured Water Unit are:

  • It assists in the release of healthful vitamins & minerals to all life.
  • Balances water.
  • Ice cubes are harder and clearer.
  • Hair & skin rinses are cleaner and hair feels better when washed.
  • Livestock, domestic pets & fish become healthier.
  • It improves health, less joint & muscle pain, more energy.
  • Fish tanks become cleaner and healthier.
  • Less soap is necessary when washing.
  • Cleaner hot tubs & spas with less chemicals required.
  • Reduces the effects of sunburns.
  • Prevents dry itchy skin.
  • Promotes longer life (anti-aging).
  • More refreshing showers & bath.
  • Reduces odors around/in bathrooms & toilets.
  • Clothes are washed and rinsed cleaner in the laundry.
  • Removes existing calcium & aragonite deposits - spotless dishes, window washing & car washes.


Structured Water Oxygen

Because Structured Water contains stable oxygen, it does not dissipate immediately. This added oxygen can help to raise oxygen content in the blood. Low oxygen content in the blood can be associated with poor health and headaches. Structured Water is great for high altitudes. Some people state it has a sweeter taste than other waters.

How important is Oxygen?

· 90% of all “life energy” is created by Oxygen.
· All functions in the body are regulated by oxygen.
· The brain processes billions of bits of information per second -Thanks to Oxygen.

Much More Than Just Water! Research has demonstrated that Structured Water:

· Helps increase or improve Hydration on an intra- and extra- cellular level in
  22 minutes.
· Helps detoxify the cells through superior hydration.
· Helps balance water.
· Helps double the immune system response.
· Helps increase Oxygen content in the blood (good for high altitude).
· Helps increase thought processing, mental awareness and creativity.
· Helps swollen joints that are associated with arthritis.
· Helps establish better health and overall vitality.

Landscaping & Outdoor Water Features

Nature also geometrically structures water in ways to bring balanced water to the environment. The unit creates a "fluid machine" which alters the molecular structure of the water. It creates wetter water so it penetrates the soil, carrying sodium, magnesium and other clogging elements deeper into the soil. This allows greater root penetration and fewer salts which bind the top soil. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved ability of plants to withstand lower freezing temperatures.
  • Healthier landscape - greener lawns, more vibrant trees and shrubs.
  • Improved growth of crops with increased biomass (up to 40%).
  • Healthier household plants.
  • Cut flowers last longer.
  • Reduces the amount of water required (up to 50%).


Cost Savings

Bucket of Water

There are also numerous financial benefits to utilizing the Structured Water Unit for both drinking, cleaning, livestock watering and crop and landscape growing:

  • Don't have to replace cartridges.
  • Don't have to buy bottled water.
  • Less soap is consumed when washing.
  • Less fertilizer is required on gardens, house plants, crops and trees.
  • Removes corrosion & increases the life span in pipes of hot water heaters, dishwashers, swamp-coolers, water heating systems, ice makers, etc.
  • Improves aerobic bacterial activity in all septic & sewage systems, reducing anaerobic bacteria.
  • Reduces chlorine required for swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
  • Less algae growth in ponds & aquascapes.
  • Removes existing calcium and aragonite deposits in pipes, water heaters and faucets.
  • Increases longevity of all systems that use water.
  • Being healthier means less trips to the doctor.

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Falling Water
To learn more about Natural Action Structured Water Units, please visit our Store.